Originally posted on The Flowtrells:
Our overland truck stopped in Swakopmund, Namibia for three nights in hostel accommodations so the group could do laundry, run errands and participate in several adventure activities. Between the two of us, we’ve already experienced these main attractions in other places (sandboarding in Peru, skydiving and quad biking) so Chis…

It’s been a while!

Hi all! This past year has been a whirlwind to say the least. Clearly, our blog has fallen to the wayside, but I hope to make more frequent posts in the future. Updates: Harrison is now 14 months and going strong! He’s the cutest little squirt this side of Wilmington. I might be a little…

Harrison’s Arrival

Oh my God! It’s time!!! For first time parents that initial*pop* and rush of water (water breaking) is the start of a very exciting time. I, personally, didn’t know what to do with myself! I just stood there for a moment and then waddled through the house, leaving a trail, to tell Brian… thank God…

Last, but not least… TOBS!

Toby aka Sir Tobias Kronengold aka Toby Tobes DOB: September 26, 2006 Toby poops in the house. The End. Just kidding! (But he does poop in the house like a BAD DOG!) Toby is literally our red-headed step child. We adopted him from a high school friend about a year ago because he didn’t get…

Now introducing, Mr. Marvin!

Marvin aka Marv aka Marvalicious aka Marvin T. Cakes DOB: March 6, 2006 This is Marvin. He is our eldest and wise beyond his years. He is a short haired Black and Tan dappled dachshund (say that five times fast). He belonged to the bachelor life with Brian for a year or so before Nicole…

Everyone, Dexter. Dexter, everyone.

Dexter aka Dex aka Mr. Bubs aka Mr. Wiggles DOB: September 26, 2007 Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you our youngest of three dachshunds, Dexter. Dexter is a long haired Cream dappled dachshund. Both of his parents were Creams so don’t ask how he came out looking the way he does.  He was an…

kibbitz- Yid. Verb 1. chitchat

GUY MEETS GIRL      He’s a UNC computer science graduate and she’s a NC State engineering drop-out who met through a mutual friend. He’s from Miami with a northern background and Jewish ties and she’s from North Carolina with a southern background and mild Southern Baptist and Catholic ties. Oh, when opposites attract! GIRL PLAYS…